Our Process
Medical Reviews are a part of our core business. Our reviews are scientifically and medically-based rather than strictly statistically-based. We include an intensive analysis of all aspects involved in mortality projection forecasting which includes but is not limited to: Science Medicine Research Actuarial Science Comorbidities
The majority of Andersen Consulting, LLC subjects are over the age of 65 years . To ensure a more accurate life expectancy, Andersen Consulting, LLC incorporates into its model the following: Evaluation of 2008 VBT Mortality Table (ANB) Joint Mortality Table by
Improving our Process
Continually Improving our Process Andersen Consulting, LLC has worked in the past with one of the nation’s leading life insurance consulting firms to provide an ongoing life expectancy audit process to help ensure the most accurate
Welcome To Andersen Consulting LLC
Andersen Consulting provides a comprehensive analysis of life expectancy for the life settlement community. Our approach brings probability forecasting and risk stratification together in a medico-scientific approach. Our process combines best-in-class probability forecasting with expertise yielding quantitative best in class review while adhering to the highest professional, ethical and legal standards. Andersen Consulting seeks to bring probability forecasting and risk stratification to a level focusing more on science rather than the art of life expectancy evaluation. We at Andersen Consulting, LLC look forward to serving the Life Settlement Industry through our ability to research, examine and profile thereby allowing a greater accuracy in the mathematical calculation of the risk stratification and life expectancy estimation.
Why we’re different
We provide mathematical and medically scientific results instead of just statistics. Statistical analysis is only one part of the equation. We use a range of approaches from the soundly-reasoned, curbside estimate to detailed published abstracts to generate each life-expectancy report (see sample). The Andersen Consulting purpose is to provide an analysis with risk stratification set to the highest standard having adherence to excellence with oversight and transparency in business practices, resulting in progress toward best-in-class stature in the life settlement community. Please contact us to get started.

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